Weekly Update

Trinity's a pretty busy place on any day, but no matter what beautiful place you find yourself in, you can still stay in touch with Trinity. Below you'll find important announcements as well as upcoming event registration.  The best way to keep up with us is to download and interact regularly with our app. See the footer on any page to get started.

At-home Worship Resources

Use these links to view the worship folder as well as the worship insert for the Traditions Service and Celebrations Worship.
You can check out the highlights below.

Confirmation Class Info Meeting—Sunday, Feb. 9, 10:45 AM

All students and their parents in 7th through 12th grade who have not been confirmed, are welcome to this info meeting where the schedule, retreat, and Confirmation Sunday will be discussed. Please sign up on the Connect Card. For more info, contact Dan Ebright, director of Youth Ministries.

One Service--Sunday, Feb. 23, 10 AM

Everyone is invited to enjoy a Combined Service as we come together as a church family to worship. There will only be one service Feb. 23, at 10 AM. Our livestream also will only occur at 10 AM. We hope you can join us!

New Member Info Session—Sunday, Feb. 23, 11 AM

Pastor Rob will lead an informational new members meeting in room B113 (Youth Room). Anyone interested in exploring membership at Trinity is welcome. Please sign up on the Connect Card by Tuesday, Feb. 18. For more info, email Pastor Rob.

TUMY Pot Pie Dinner—Sunday, Feb. 23

TUMY annual Pot Pie meal is back and will feature dine-in and take out options. Meal service begins after the combined worship at 10 AM. Dine in is adults $8, ages 5-12 $5, under 5 free. One size take out servings are $10. RSVP required, sign up online or sign up on the Connect Card. No walk-in orders. Must RSVP by Sunday, Feb. 16. Payment at the door.

Sign up for The Brief

Twice a month (and once a month in summer), Trinity publishes The Brief, a newsletter full of Trinity news and upcoming events. Issues are sent via email the first and third weeks of each month. To sign up to receive this email publication, simply click below.