Weekly Update

Trinity's a pretty busy place on any day, but no matter what beautiful place you find yourself in, you can still stay in touch with Trinity. Below you'll find important announcements as well as upcoming event registration.  The best way to keep up with us is to download and interact regularly with our app. See the footer on any page to get started.

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What's happening at Trinity? Lots! You can check out our weekly worship folder or get the highlights below.

Christmas Jesse Trees--Due Back By Dec. 8

Sponsored by the Covenant Sunday School Class, the trees are decorated with paper ornaments containing requests from students in need from all Lower Dauphin elementary schools. Each student has two requests, one for clothing and one for a toy or hobby item. All gift-wrapped presents should be placed under the trees in the lobby or in the church office by Sunday Dec. 8, and must have the child’s paper ornament attached to the gift.

Urgent Need for Evening Child Care Helpers

Childcare is often needed for parents wishing to attend evening groups. Due to Safe Sanctuaries protocol, our coordinator needs volunteers present to assist. Evening groups may run 60-90 minutes. More volunteers means serving with limited frequency. This ministry will not take much time, but will mean a lot to parents wishing to attend a small group. To volunteer, please sign up on the Connect Card or email Sarah Ordille, director of Kids Ministries via the church office at 717-566-0252 for more info.

Care Kit Donations Needed for Mission Central—Thursday, Dec. 12

Mission Central has emptied its store of care kits by providing aid to hurricane victims and seeks donations to make more kits. Donations of bath soaps (2.5 oz. or larger, any brand except Ivory, Jergens, or Lisa), sealed adult toothbrushes, and combs or hair picks may be placed in the Mission Central box in the lobby before Thursday, Dec. 12. 

Sponsors needed for 2025

A special thank you to all our 2024 sponsors. You can now reserve your Sunday to remember or honor someone in 2025. Contact Rachel Irvin at 717-545-3438 to reserve your altar flower date. The cost is $55. To reserve your radio broadcast date, sign up on the display in the church lobby or contact the church office at 717-566-0252. The cost is $40.

Sign up for The Brief

Twice a month (and once a month in summer), Trinity publishes The Brief, a newsletter full of Trinity news and upcoming events. Issues are sent via email the first and third weeks of each month. To sign up to receive this email publication, simply click below.